David schreck

Digital Creative Director | UX & UI Designer

David schreck

Digital Creative Director | UX & UI Designer


HydraSovle Website Design & Devleopment


Andrew Technologies

Creative Direction, Graphic Design, Web Development
Andrew Technologies, LLC, is a medical technology company incorporated in 2007 with a proprietary surgical innovation called Tissue Liquefaction Technology™ (TLT) which was first patented in 1997. The first product to utilize TLT was launched in 2003 by Alcon as the Aqualase Liquefaction Device® for cataract surgery. In 2012, the FDA cleared HydraSolve® Lipoplasty System, and Andrew Technologies commenced a pilot launch of that device to Plastic Surgery opinion leaders in 2013.

Andrew Technologies’ CEO, Tom Albright, approached me to completely re-design the HydraSolve website. The previous HydraSolve website was poorly coded, non-responsive, and very dated looking. Numerous website mock-ups and wire frame flow charts were created and presented to the board of directors. After the approval of the website mock-ups had been completed, a new, responsive WordPress theme was developed for the new HydraSolve website.
I have been working with HydraSolve for over 5 years on numerous projects and they have been nothing but pleased with the outcome.
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